About Me

I am a Lifelong Learner, a Teacher, and a District Library Media Specialist.

I enjoy this hobby blog for blogging, sharing, and writing poems. My simple and beyond~ridiculously  (on purposely cheesy) positive poems are quite super-overfull of rhyme, sap, and words I like to completely make up or remodel. These poems used to arrive whenever I was inspired by something and had the time. I don't have as much time anymore due to my SUPER AWESOME role as Teacher Librarian, but this blog is made up of some of the bricks that formed the magical bridge that got me here! : )

I will always enjoy an online community! I love viewing all of the other writers, artists and bloggers that take their time to share their passions.

Thank you for visiting my site and have an awesome day!

1 comment:

  1. Karrlin - I just have to say you are so doggone cute! I love your heart, your passion, your openness to live life.You bless my heart. You are a breath of fresh air in a stinky air-polluted world. Keep on rocking, girl!


Thank you in advance for your comments!
; )
Have a blessed day!